Thursday, June 07, 2012

Test Day

On test day my partner and I unloaded our trebuchet from the back of the truck and set it up on the track. We locked our trigger system in place and loaded our counterweight (a bucket) with chains. We adjusted our trigger for maximum efficiency and loaded the tennis ball, ready to fire. When it was time to release our projectile traveled just under 25 meters, which quite surprised me. My expectations for our trebuchet weren't very high, i was prepared for much less than that. We attempted to adjust our trigger as the day went on, which slightly changed our range but no more than 2 or 3 meters. Another thing we tried was adding weight to our counterweight. We added an additional 20 lbs to it, but the extra chain that we added just ended up falling out, so we stuck to just 2 chains (40 lbs.).

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